How Will PrayerU Benefit My Church?


Course content is solidly based in Scripture.

We believe that the Bible is the best source for instruction on prayer and that Jesus is our best teacher.

• The instructors have decades of experience teaching prayer in local churches across the United States, have written prolifically on all aspects of prayer and prayer ministry, and are well-connected with God’s prayer movement both nationally and internationally.

• Cost-effective training for those who attend your church.
For $120 annually (an average of only $10 per month), your church can provide unlimited quality training in prayer to many people of all ages…most who would not normally choose to or be able to attend a weekend seminar on prayer. Also, courses can be viewed and utilized multiple times for review and to strengthen concepts. New courses will be added each year.

• PrayerU content can be utilized by those just learning about prayer as well as seasoned intercessors.
Each course offers great flexibility and is applicable to anyone along their spiritual journey with supplemental materials and additional reading/content available for those who want to dig deeper and spend more time practicing what is learned. This is a great place for people to learn with and from one another in community as they grow in intimacy with the Father through prayer.

• PrayerU will help churches grow in the practice of both private and corporate prayer.
Prayer is designed to be both private and corporate; however, according to Barna, only 2% of the prayer that happens in the lives of believers actually occurs in community. Designed for use with small groups, these courses will help people deepen their personal prayer lives while also giving them opportunities to stretch out of their comfort zones to seek God with others.

• PrayerU will help your church build an intergenerational vision for God’s kingdom purposes. People of all ages will develop prayer practices and strategies to help align their prayers more fully with the heart of the Father.

• There are a variety of courses offering instruction on many different aspects of prayer, with additional content being added regularly. We plan to add 3-5 additional courses per year at no additional cost.

• Flexibility
Each course is designed so that leaders can have a lot of flexibility with time and content. All courses can be done at your own pace with multiple groups at multiple times. Individuals who are unable to join with a group can also access content.

• Practical application
Since growing in intimacy with God through prayer is the goal of these courses, we have designed scripture-based, creative times of personal and corporate prayer to help people apply what they have learned. There are also Next Steps to apply concepts and practices of prayer throughout the week following each lesson.

• Multiple use
Our Spend Time in Prayer sections and Next Steps can be used on their own for church/group/individual prayer gatherings in other contexts.

• Books and Resources
All “required” books and resources, plus others, will be available through our convenient PrayerUstore on the website. On many resources there are bulk discounts for churches to take advantage of group involvement. When a book is not offered through our store, we will provide links so you can easily access it.

• Each course offers an option for a one-hour Zoom call with the instructor for question/answer time, consultation on content related to the course itself, or both. Note: This is an additional cost separate from annual membership.

• Regular Communication
We will email each member church with all announcements related to additional course content, ways to engage the prayer movement in the United States and around the world, prayer initiatives such as National Day of Prayer, etc. You can disperse the information to your congregation as desired.

• PrayerU is designed around community.
Your church will have access to a private PrayerU Facebook community designed to help your people engage with others who are also growing in their intimacy with God through prayer. There will be additional videos, FB Live training and opportunities to connect with people from other PrayerU church communities. There will be opportunities to pray with and for others, to ask questions, make comments, etc. Learn and grow in prayer with like-minded believers.

• There are several prayer guides used for PrayerU courses that can also be utilized for church/group prayer times in other contexts.

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Contact Us

We welcome your questions about PrayerU. We are here to help. Please feel free to fill out the email form to the left. We will get back to you as soon as we possibly can! Remember that we are on Eastern Time.