PrayerU FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How will PrayerU benefit my church?
What is your statement of faith?

Our beliefs are aligned with the Lausanne Covenant on world evangelization as developed at the Billy Graham sponsored conference on world evangelism. Lauzanne, Switzerland, 1974.

Do we need to take the courses in the order they are listed?

Not necessarily; however, we do strongly recommend that with the exception of the free course: Watchmen on the Wall, churches/small groups begin with the course on Prayer as Intimacy with God. Growing a love relationship with God is the basic foundation of prayer, and crucial for understanding prayer as the key to Kingdom living.

How long are the courses?
With the exception of the free course, Watchmen on the Wall, which is a short course of 2 Lessons, each course is designed to last for 5-8 weeks, depending upon the topic. There is flexibility for leaders to spend more than one week on a lesson if needed.
How much time should we allow for each lesson?

This is flexible depending upon your time constraints; however, we strongly recommend a minimum of one hour so that you have plenty of time for discussion and spending time in prayer. If you have to choose between cutting discussion questions or cutting prayer – please cut back on the discussion. Learning about prayer is good…but praying accomplishes the purposes of God as people apply the principles of prayer they are learning.

What components are in each Lesson?
Every lesson includes the following components: a short video teaching, discussion questions, a 2-minute wrap up video, and a significant prayer time. Additional components: Next Steps to help you practice what you have learned through the week and Supplemental Materials to help you dig deeper into the topic.
Can I do this by myself?
Although these courses are designed for small groups/churches, we recognize that some people have schedules that may not allow this. If your church has a subscription to PrayerU, individuals can still ask for access to study independently and on their own schedule. If your church does not have a subscription, you may still purchase a subscription on your own; however, the price is the same.
Will there be anything for my family?
Yes, we will have courses that will be both family-friendly and intergenerational.

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Contact Us

We welcome your questions about PrayerU. We are here to help. Please feel free to fill out the email form to the left. We will get back to you as soon as we possibly can! Remember that we are on Eastern Time.